Interested in getting your child to listen without you having to feel frustrated?
Would you like to know how to get through to your child when they seem to have drifted astray or appear not to be taking your guidance seriously? Here’s the secret sauce…
It takes prompting.
Yes, getting your child to listen often takes prompting…
and so does getting them to share.
Both happen to go hand in hand for my child clients. Here are the three simple steps I use and recommend you try to get your child to listen up in 2023 (without all the stress and frustration).
Let’s say your child brought home a very low score on a test that has to be signed by you, the parent. You know that your child has been struggling in that class academically and socially, but can’t seem to figure out what the problem is.
When your child gives the test to you with a slightly worried gaze… JUST SIGN IT.
Allow their stress chemicals to stop rushing through their body and for them to calm down before speaking on the issue. This can be achieved by just reading and signing the paper they hand you, then continuing on with your day.
Secondly, wait at least two days to bring it up for discussion (Unless immediate intervention is needed – Parental discretion must be utilized here).
Then when you bring it up, bring it up while you’re both engaging in an activity like cooking, driving to the store, or playing baseball. Use a simple, relaxed tone; “Hey how’s that whole Spanish class thing going? You ok?”
Your concern is now about their well-being and not their performance. They’re in a relaxed stated and actually heard the question. Just wait for them to respond. When you engage in this dialogue ask questions geared around them (their feelings, their frustrations, their needs) while listening for all details.
And when you’re ready, you can ask them if they’d be open to a suggestion you think might help?
This may sound outrageous for a parent to ask this question, but I ask it all the time in counseling sessions and once I get their yes, I KNOW their ears are peaked for real help that they are actually willing to try.
This means what I say is getting through…and that makes all the difference.
Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
I’m in your corner.
Call (424) 245-5059 or schedule a FREE Restoration Call here. Learn about our 5-week counseling program that gets to the ROOT of the issue in just 5 weeks. “Counseling with a holistic approach that works to heal the ROOT, supporting parents every step of the way.”